Impactful Data Teams

for Scale-ups 🚀

I build data infrastructure and data teams with immediate business impact for global b2c scale-ups and grown-ups in e-commerce, insurance, fintech, consumer subscription and SaaS.
"I am impressed by your work, your reliability and your expertise. It’s rare to work with someone who delivers at such a high level. Really great! And I look forward to continuing to work with you.” - Andy Wenk, CTO Cleos Welt
You are a scale-up and you are ready to invest in your data team? Great!
I build your data infrastructure and data team that helps you rocket-launch
CLV and nose-dive CAC 🚀
🚀 Scale-up
You have product-market-fit with annual revenues between EUR 20-100M.

You have decided to invest in your data infrastructure and team but need a solution that doesn’t break the bank.

I help you set up a tailor-made best-in-class data infrastructure for a risk-free fixed rate and empower your team to move from data to action.
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👵🏻 Grown-up
Your annual revenues are in the range of EUR 100M - 500M.

Your data team has struggled to keep pace with business growth.

I help you audit the status quo of your data team and data infrastructure and transform your data team from a dashboard factory into a strong business partner.
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What clients are saying

As a founder and data professional, I speak business and tech. I have built or re-built the first data team and data infrastructure for 40+ leading B2C companies globally. Here is what they say about me.

Michael Lenort

Former Managing Director, Zalando Outlets
“Sebastian’s approach was very hands-on and he achieved results with impressive speed and accuracy. I would recommend Sebastian without hesitation to anyone who wants to implement or transform data infrastructures and teams.”

Daniel Yu

Founder & CEO, Wasoko
“Within just a few months Sebastian had analyzed our challenges, developed a data strategy and organization, built a functional growth data warehouse, and helped us hire a head of the data team. The results were outstanding and enabled us to gain insights into our business we haven't been able to generate before.”

Désirée Mettraux

Former CEO, OCC Assekuradeur
“We have worked with many freelancers and Sebastian stands out among them.”

Joerg Gerbig

COO, Just Eat / Founder Lieferando
“Sebastian has a very broad knowledge of E-Commerce, Business Intelligence, Customer Management and Analytics. He supported our product and marketing teams to better measure and understand Onsite and Customer KPIs and turn the insights into action. In addition to his extensive skill-set, Sebastian is also extremely efficient and fun to work with.

Hi, I’m Sebastian 👋

I have three big passions in life:

🤓 Data Analytics
🚀 Startups
✈️ Traveling

In the last 15+ years, I worked as a Data Practitioner and Data Leader across the Globe for Startups, Corporates, and in Consulting.

My Specialty: Building the first data team and data infrastructure for ambitious Founders of B2C scale-ups. Founders, who have decided to invest in their data team to drive business impact.

As a “Swiss Army Knife” for Data & Analytics (a.k.a Freelance Data Consultant), I built or re-built the first data team and data infrastructure for 40+ leading B2C companies globally. I reside in beautiful Taiwan and frequently travel globally to combine remote and onsite work.

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