Who I Work With

I work with ambitious B2C scale-ups and grown-ups who want to turn data into action and build the data foundation for an AI-powered future.

What describes you most?

🚀 Scale-up

You have product-market-fit with annual revenues between EUR 20-100M

You have decided to invest in your data infrastructure and team but need a solution that doesn't break the bank.

I help you set up a tailor-made best-in-class data infrastructure for a risk-free fixed rate and empower your team to move from data to action.

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👵🏻 Grown-up

Your annual revenues are in the range of EUR 100M - 500M.

Your data team has struggled to keep pace with business growth.

I help you audit the status quo of your data team and data infrastructure and transform your data team from a dashboard factory into a strong business partner.

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