I can help you if any of these sound familiar:

You either don’t have a data & analytics team or your existing data team struggles to deliver the insights you need.
Maybe your CTO is running the data team, making data & analytics a second-class citizen behind more urgent software engineering challenges.
Your CMO’s understanding of customer life time value (CLV) and customer acquisition cost (CAC) drivers is limited due to a lack of actionable and clean data.
Your data is sitting in many different systems. It is getting harder and harder to combine the data points to fully understand what is driving the business.
You have decided that you want to invest in a dedicated data team and data infrastructure but your investments in the growth of the company limit your budget to invest in your data initiative.
Your existing analytics tools tell you what happened but not why it happened and what to do about it.

How I can help

As a founder and entrepreneur myself, I speak both business and tech.

My proven three-step approach provides you with a best-in-class, future-proof data infrastructure and empowers your team to turn data into action.
All of that for a risk-free, fixed price that doesn’t break the bank.

🗺 (E)xplore

We explore your use case, business
challenges, goals and KPIs.

Then we build a KPI / Dimension Map
together. This map provides an
overview of all KPIs and use cases
and explores the requirements of
stakeholders in your company.

The map will be the blueprint for the
design of your tailor-made data

👩🏻‍💼 (T)ailor

In the Tailor Step, I will build your tailor-made data infrastructure. This includes the following steps:

  • Selection of suitable technology for connecting the required source systems to your data infrastructure
  • Connecting your source systems to a BigQuery data warehouse
  • Setup and Documentation of data
  • Setup of a first set of reports and
    tools for business stakeholders

🚀 (L)aunch

The Launch Step is a 3-12-month period following the Tailor Step.

The majority of data initiatives fail due to a lack of stakeholder adoption after the initial launch of a data infrastructure.

This step makes sure that stakeholders
get maximum value from the new data
warehouse and are empowered to drive
business impact.

I will serve as a fractional data leader and help you hire my successor. This period typically ends after my successor has joined your company and went through an onboarding phase with me.
The approach leverages best practices from lean startup methodologies, product management, software engineering and product management to help you move from data to insights to action.
Get in Touch 🤙