I can help you if any of these sound familiar:

Your data team has become a bottleneck and time to insights is slow.
You have recently lost your data leader.
You have a feeling that your data team or data infrastructure is not ready for an AI-driven future.
Your data team is a dashboard factory with little to no business impact.
Your data team is constantly firefighting and new features or insights are rare.
Your KPIs are often inconsistent or wrong and important reports are often unavailable or riddled with bugs and errors.
You don’t have a holistic understanding of what drives profit margins and customer lifetime value(CLV).
You want to personalize customer experiences across channel but you are lacking a holistic view of the customer to do so.

How I can help

I can help you transform your data team into a strong business partner whether you currently have a data leader or not.

I currently have a data leader

🔎 Data Audit

I will assess the strengths and weaknesses of your data team and data infrastructure and analyze the root causes of your problems.

This assessment includes detailed stakeholder interviews and a technology review.

Based on the results of this audit I will provide an actionable road map that describes how to tackle each challenge in what sequence.

You will get a list with action items in the areas of data organization, data strategy, technology and architecture and governance and processes.

This list includes both quick wins and a strategic blueprint that shows how your problems can be avoided from appearing or re-appearing in the mid- / long-term.

Get in touch 👉

I currently don't have a data leader

💪 Fractional Data Leader

I can lead your data team on a fractional basis.

A fractional leader sits somewhere between strategic advisor and an interim manager.

I work with management on strategy and execute with your
- without any administrative or people management overhead.

My style is very hands-on with a focus on those initiatives that are most actionable and drive the highest business impact.

As a founder and entrepreneur myself, I speak both business and tech. I use methodology from lean startup, product management, software engineering and data engineering to make sure that every data initiative push is the business forward.

I typically spend 2-3 days per week with you and the team.

Get in touch 👉